Usui Reiki Healing with Arcturus and Angelic Energy The following is able based on your needs as guided:
Arcturian healing
Angelic healing
medical intuitive reading
chakra clearing and balancing
a message from an ascended master(s)
past life reading
unlocking of code(s)
A discussion occurs prior to a healing session to address your need(s). You are always fully clothed either on a chair or a massage table as the healing session occurs. This is not massage, however, hand placements occur inches away from the body in the auric field and on certain areas of the body such as behind the head, the ears, shoulders, elbows, hands, chest or clavicles or both, solar plexus, lower abdomen, hips, knees, ankles and feet. A session is typically 1.5-2 and up to 3 hours for an energy exchange of $177.70. For children up to age 12, it is an energy exchange of $47.77 for 15 minutes; ages 13-18, $77.70 for 30 minutes.
New to Reiki? What is Usui Reiki healing? ‘Reiki’ is a Japanese term which means universal life force energy coined by Dr. Mikao Usui to describe an ancient healing method. All physicality is a manifestation of spirituality. Usui Reiki occurs at the energetic level utilizing the universal energy and the recipient's energy field to balance the main 7-point chakra system for optimal health on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers. Reiki is a holistic approach and works to heal on the levels of first the spiritual, then naturally affecting the mental, emotional and physical bodies. After a Reiki session, the recipient may feel 'lighter' with increased inner peace and clarity.
Brief History Dr. Usui began a ten-year quest in the late 1800’s to find and learn Jesus’ method of healing. The ancient remnants, along with the Buddha’s method of healing, were found in Shiva’s early culture, in the esoteric teachings of India. Dr. Usui was later able to describe the healing formula, tested it on himself and then many others for years. He made sixteen or eighteen Reiki Masters before his passing in 1930. Since, Reiki teachings and healings have spread around the globe. Reiki is a part of every one of us. It was incorporated into the genetic coding as a birthright of all people, our cosmic blueprint.
What is Arcturian healing? The Arcturians are a race of benevolent intergalactic beings who stand for life, intelligence and freedom. They reside in the 5th-9th dimensions and above, with a bulk of them in 5D. They are part of the Pleiadian-Sirian-Arturian Council. Sananda and Commander Sanat Kumara are Arcturians. They posses some of the highest intellects in our universe. Their technologies are also the most advanced of any other intergalactic civilization. Their technologies I utilize in my healing sessions include mechanisms for chakra clearing, 3D matrix removal and celestial body alignment.