20 Stellar Benefits of Consciously Connecting with the Galactics
If any of these benefits resonate with you, start following your highest excitement and get galactivated to begin your journey with a life-changing cosmic perspective! Your paradigm shifts and a new adventure awaits!
- Step into the New Earth as a New Human in your New Reality as you reconnect with the Star beings.
- If you feel you are a planetary seeder, get ready to receive wonderful information from your galactic incarnations and how certain attributes are still with you today to achieve balance for your Whole Self on your journey back to the Source.
- You can apply the higher frequencies in your life on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
- You can step into your more evolved self through an expanded consciousness of your soul pattern that reverberates from galactic roots.
- It can help you invoke your etheric memory of free will, responsibility, wisdom and sovereignty.
- You can experience an increased awareness of your holographic reality in the planetary ascension process.
- It can be a reminder of your mission and your responsibility for your self-evolution and planetary evolution as well as self-healing and global healing.
- You can consciously tap into the infinite awareness by easier aligning with cosmic energy that you are already connecting with.
- Just like working with our angelic family, ascended masters, Earth, the crystal kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom, elementals, inner Earth beings and more, our benevolent Galactic Family is an integral component to your team to connecting with your multi-dimensional self as well as increasing your awareness to your personal truth and mission.
- Extraterrestrials, advanced beings, remind us of our unlimited potential.
- It can help accelerate your human potential through the allowance of more aspects of truth in your reality. Through allowance emerges unification.
- It is a reflection of your simultaneous parallel selves.
- As a catalyst for your own growth, you can seek the ultimate truth of our galactic history and humanity’s galactic past and to remember your participation in unification.
- One of the biggest shifts in consciousness on our planet is to be aware of our ever-present connection with our galactic family and how Earth is part of the galactic community and universal landscape.
- It can help you understand your origin with the Source through your galactic connections, that life and existence begins and ends the same way.
- You can design and re-design the layout of your divine blueprint and experience immediate effects.
- You can experience a more comforting flow of energy upgrades, downloads and activations with the support of our Galactic Family simply by recognizing your connection and consciously integrating your being-ness with them.
- You can achieve a global and galactic viewpoint as an Earth being in this lifetime.
- You are becoming aware of your global and galactic citizenry.
- You are remembering you are a cosmic divine being.
If any of these benefits resonate with you, start following your highest excitement and get galactivated to begin your journey with a life-changing cosmic perspective! Your paradigm shifts and a new adventure awaits!