I am now keeping a record of their messages on this page.
April 6, 2024
During this intense phase of transformation, it's hugely beneficial to iron out as many kinks possible within our neurological net. The next time a negative thought comes to mind:
1) Remind yourself you are not that thought.
2) Observe the negative thought from a safe and grounded place.
3) Manage the thought constructively, not destructively.
Listen to the latest piece of advice from the Mantis beings about, "Where the thought goes, energy flows."
February 11, 2024
I really love how the Mantis beings communicate with me. They are very simple, yet complex. Their one-word messages always hit home for me.
As our year unfolds, the quickest glimpse within a cosmic second, they tell me, GRIT. That's mental toughness. It's the mental toughness that's going to get us through the rough. The mind is powerful. Let's be good to ourselves all the while, too.
Being that warrior when our minds need to, and then opening ourselves to nurturing when our bodies call for it is what's going to help. Use that GRIT. Use that GRIT. We didn't grow up for nothing!
January 3, 2024
The message my Mantis mentors share is, "Stay Intact." Things will feel like they're tearing apart, things are dismantling - and they are, but only to reveal a wholeness intact. The core of you.
July 4, 2023
I have changed my website name to The Mantis Mama! I am focusing on my journey with the Mantis beings as I become closer to them and learn how our personal experiences relate to their species. I hope you can join me as we get to know more of who these mysterious ETs are!
My website will undergo a few changes to include emerging information about the Mantises. I have added My Accounts with the Mantis beings on my About page!
April 7, 2023
Hello everyone! The Mantis beings say to see every task *no exception* as a playful challenge. The riddle of human experience is to be able to move through as many diverse experiences as possible while maintaining your center. You will know yourself in all these experiences. All will be positive and beneficial, thus automatically serving you and nourishing your growth.
The Mantis beings represent both a black hole and a white hole. They are high-level consciousness containing intensified pressure. Their energy breaks down and dissolves, and through pressurized dissolution, it strips away what is not you, it de-conditions you. Coalescing with their energies is a death and re-birthing process. It’s separating, purifying and dissolving. This is helping refine the separation of the splitting prism of parallel realities so that we move into a higher flow.
September 3, 2022
New Mantis meditation on YouTube! It's a quick dial-up to get immediately altered during this intense period
August 27, 2022
The current phase of focus is talking about ETs to each other, with our neighbors and with anyone we feel comfortable with on this topic. We also want to encourage others to be open and free to talk about their ET experiences and their perception of ETs. If we zoom out on this big picture, as everyone talks about ETs, we all get closer to acclimatizing to open contact. When open contact occurs, we will be speaking of and speaking to our ET family.
August 23, 2021
I added a new page, Preparing for ET Contact, as the ETs come closer to us. They will not stop. It must be done that we collaborate with them to save humanity, our planet and to spare the cosmos for a galactic war.
July 25, 2021
We’ve buckled up and are getting ready to move up and up! There are many pods on the mothership and we’ve been assigned to one based on the unique range of frequencies. A pod can have 3 people or 3,000. Keep doing what you’re doing staying happy and in a state of gratitude for that is a particular frequency that means ‘thank you..and thank you for more that is to come’ for more weirdness, synchronicities and higher dimensional experiences right in this reality. We are becoming less dense and more photonic light-based. More blending of worlds occurs. If you see spirits from the astral realm, orbs, a flash of light in the corner of your eye, a ‘I thought I saw something’ moment, that is normal! You are changing and seeing it in your reality.
July 20, 2021
I added a new page, Post ET Contact, that describes what Earth is like after open contact!
November 27, 2020
Things are getting a little crazy and spiraling a little more quickly than maybe what we're used to and our galactic families congratulate us for staying centered in the velocity of the vortex we experience ourselves to be in! These types of phenomenon will last depending on a few things, but fundamentally it's viewing these challenges neutrally by validating them and recognizing that they are just as valid as the energies and experiences that we do prefer, and that creates an overall neutral zone. This neutral zone can help us choose how to easily respond to challenges more positively and the duration of these challenges will fast forward and we can move through them because it's the resistance or pushing away of these energies that prolongs their stay. Many of these energies that may seem somewhat new in our lives that we don't prefer in our experiences have actually been present. They are just making another revolution in a new way so that we can see them from a new point of view. This is opportune for us to observe these energies from a new perspective and respond to them in a new way that represents our core essence for that allows us to more lucidly and more quickly sail through them. The path of least resistance!
A personal symbol I received from our ET families that can maybe have an effect within your own consciousness that you can utilize to assist you in maintaining a centered, balanced perspective and energy in this accelerated spiral is a circle with a singular dot in the center. It's basic in appearance and a simple symbol that is a translation of the energy state that we perceive to be grounded, centered and balanced. It can help you cultivate this quality as we experience this evolutionary trajectory. We say with humor, stay put in the center and don't lose yourself!
September 15, 2020
More from the Mantis teachings! They also tell me that life is a fun experimentation to experience infinite creation and the process of creating.
September 11, 2020
I am increasingly fascinated by extraterrestrial technology and I have added this recent experience to my list on my About page. In my lucid state, a female hybrid has handed to me a pink, jelly-like tube that was about 4” in length and had a shape of three spheres stacked on top of each other. It looked like it contained glitter. A s she offered me this device, she said, “We have recorded you.” She was referring to my teaching the hybrid children. It was an intuitive device. I squeezed it once and inside appeared a screen displaying my movements of teaching. I squeezed it again and it projected a screen of up to 20’ high, displaying the same scene. Can’t wait to see this technology on Earth! This might be the next thing after flat screens, or something similar.
June 14, 2020
I asked, "How can we overcome racism?" The Sassani replied: You have to validate the differences between you because the idea is not that you all need to be homogenized to have unity. In order to have true harmony and unity, you have to validate that there are reasons for the differences and that every difference is a gift that allows you to experience something you might otherwise not experience and therefore find yourself lacking. This is about looking at things as a whole system. There are reasons for differences. The simplest analogy we can give you is the idea of a picture puzzle. Every single piece in the puzzle has a different shape, but they all fit together. Together they represent a big picture. So by validating and letting each shape be its unique shape, then they all fit together and create a big picture that supports all the pieces. So it's the validation of diversity that actually creates unity. That's the paradox. Because you are on a unique path, so is everyone, you can't experience everything in your single life path, but that's why there are others who are different so that you have the opportunity to sample this and sample that and derive wisdom and experience from this and that path that you didn't have to walk, that they walked and so they can get experience from your path and you can get experience from their path because if it was all the same, what would be the point?
Addressing a person by their name is really all that is necessary because in some sense why do you even have to refer to the idea of race unless there's some specific reason to do so? You're all homo sapien; you're all human; you come in a variety of colors. Embrace the uniqueness, the differences, the diversity.
Many different races on Earth reflect different ET genetic manipulations and connections. This is part of Earth's growth to explore this diversity.
The idea of rejecting other groups comes from the rejection of self, the rejection of everything you contain. Most of you when you have that kind of rejection of others think that you don't contain what they represent, but you do. And therefore you're rejecting a part of yourself. And just seeing an example of that rejection in the outer projection of the rejection onto someone that reminds you of things that you contain that you're not comfortable with within yourself because you don't understand yourself and you haven't integrated yourself yet to accept that part of your being.
This time is pivotal for the transformation many souls have come for. Many different themes are being explored on an individual and collective level and have the opportunity to be transformed. Transformation is all about total acceptance of self, which would automatically lead to total acceptance of others. It doesn't prevent you from recognizing what is and isn't vibrationally compatible, but the idea is that you have to start having a complete acceptance of self in order to know how to relate to others in a manner that doesn't invalidate them or cause a rejection, but simply causes a recognition of what is neutrally vibrationally compatible or not. That's a big difference. And it will make a world of a difference, literally.
May 20, 2020
A message from our galactic families: PURGING. (See accompanying symbol on my Instagram!)
From the Mantis beings, "When life is a whirlwind, dance!"
My interpretation: We are in the process of exactly that during this amplified period - purging, removing and letting go of lower densities to unlock ourselves from negative patterns that truly do not belong to us, that are not aligned with our core essence. With their recent past message of "let go combo therapy", we work with the negative ego structure in releasing negative beliefs as well as with "guts and wits", we apply our cosmic wisdom and best discernment in our most preferred reality to be ourselves and stabilize our frequencies. We are crystallizing ourselves. Speak the language of the higher mind and follow your heart: bring it to this reality to help you shift to a higher track. The help of our ET families is always accessible just by simply tuning in. Our guides are here and now with us, always cheering us on because we knew before we incarnated that "This is where the party is at!"
May 3, 2020
I added a link to a description of ET Civilizations according to my experiences interacting with them. I also included information on the children coming into our reality as a new species!
April 9, 2020
I was visited by 3 Tall Whites from a black and silver circular craft giving off a blue luminescence. From the Tall Whites: Stick to your essence.
An interpretation from me: They relayed it with an unwavering tone. Remember, BILLIONS of beings throughout the cosmos are watching. Earth is an active place and especially now. This is a crucial year and every moments counts, as it always does. Make it fun, make it fun, make it fun. Thus, along with the Grey Federation's message of 'guts and wits', using our characteristics to be what we truly are emanates the vibrational frequency needed for our growth, expansion, ascension and on a collective level, it is affected by our mere action of being ourselves. Be yourself, that's it. Step into your truth and share that creatively and in a harmonious way. Make it fun!
April 3, 2020
3 Greys and a hybrid child showed me the hyperconductivity from standing under the sun barefoot on the soil. They are aware it's not a new idea, but a reminder of another choice for us. The sun is releasing more of it's amplified golden vibrations along with energies our ET families continually pump through the planet's vortices.
April 2, 2020
From the Ya’yel: Unity Buoy
Cosmic brothers and sisters, the way I am receiving messages from our ET families is changing because I’m elevating. I am understanding more of the way they communicate the way they fully understand the way we communicate. The way they communicate is very efficient and they don’t use as many words or even sentences in our language if they use our language at all. Their messages are becoming increasingly succinct - 2 or 3 word messages for example. Further, I am staying aligned with their choice of wording and sharing with you the succinct message they share with me. You can decipher the message yourself for that alone has its own vibration. Nevertheless, I will add my elaboration of my perspective based on their message to help those who need it to deepen their understanding. And because I feel I am sounding more like them and am entrusted to relay the message responsibly and with integrity.
From me: I had to refer to the dictionary to gain a crisp and clear understanding of the word 'buoy' because in this context, it is not in my colloquial language. Buoy means to support someone or something to keep afloat and to raise the spirits of. Unity Buoy is a reminder for those at this crucial time to help humanity in a multitude of ways, shapes and forms to be in a state of high vibration. Much negativity is around and especially for light workers, gridworkers, gatekeepers and the like, getting swept off the feet by the storm not only un-grounds, but also is as if you're jumping on a sinking raft. The raft does not have to sink if there are those that help. Thus, if you are urged or excited or even the tiniest bit happy or uplifted to help others stay calm, elevated and even moreso educated on our ET families (that shifts their paradigm), follow that urge and on the individual and collective level, the frequencies will surely raise!
April 1, 2020
We are enveloped in a blissful state! From the Grey Federation: Lay Golden Eggs. Elaborated from me: For any hatchling will be of golden vibration. Like planting seeds, we are laying in the foundation of our reality golden eggs during this transformational time and crossing of a particular threshold. Hatchlings grow. What we do now will affect our present and trajectory. There’s a lot of negativity, but right here and now and always and right just above the negativity there’s an infinite bandwidth of golden vibration, always accessible, to tune into. Match it! Connect with your future self, higher self and lay golden eggs!
March 24, 2020
A message from the Grey Federation as they say with cheer: "Use your GUTS and WITS to get ahead in life!" In other words, use your intuition by tuning into your higher self in combination with your best discernment with your physical mind and take that action to the life you need to live, no matter the time and space you're experiencing in that moment. It takes guts and wits to go through challenges and growth. You can react to an experience by mirroring it or respond to it with a higher knowing. Even in suspenseful times, you have all the tools you need to live the abundant and exciting life you came here for. You're an infinite being, indestructible at the core, so embed that in your behavior and live it!March 19, 2020: We're all 'waiting' for a particular acceleration coming up. Now is the time to LET GO that which is not your true self. The lighter you are, the higher and faster. The more dense, the lower and slower. Our ET family is always amplifying and magnifying the energies through different vortices around our planet to assist us in this transition. Remember: transformation. More negative beliefs and beliefs not in our highest alignment surface in the light. Let's take care of it by taking the necessary action and *move on*. Move on *up. up and up*! Metaphorically speaking, hold on tight to your true self...this is a long-winded roller coaster like no other!
March 17, 2020
We continue expanding during this pivotal time. In which direction, positive or negative, are you choosing to expand? Continue to utilize LET GO COMBO THERAPY to be in the preferred reality. Stay grounded. Stay centered. Be the eye of the storm. Remember your infinite self.
February 29, 2020
This yearly window - about - is a pivotal time to be on our preferred track. Simple message from our galactic family: LET GO COMBO THERAPY. Utilize a combination of tools and techniques, whatever we gravitate too (literally!), to let go of beliefs that do not belong to us, to let go of vibrations that are incompatible to who we truly are, our true core essence. We'll feel lighter, brighter and greater, and more expansive for that is who we are.
I am now keeping a record of their messages on this page.
April 6, 2024
During this intense phase of transformation, it's hugely beneficial to iron out as many kinks possible within our neurological net. The next time a negative thought comes to mind:
1) Remind yourself you are not that thought.
2) Observe the negative thought from a safe and grounded place.
3) Manage the thought constructively, not destructively.
Listen to the latest piece of advice from the Mantis beings about, "Where the thought goes, energy flows."
February 11, 2024
I really love how the Mantis beings communicate with me. They are very simple, yet complex. Their one-word messages always hit home for me.
As our year unfolds, the quickest glimpse within a cosmic second, they tell me, GRIT. That's mental toughness. It's the mental toughness that's going to get us through the rough. The mind is powerful. Let's be good to ourselves all the while, too.
Being that warrior when our minds need to, and then opening ourselves to nurturing when our bodies call for it is what's going to help. Use that GRIT. Use that GRIT. We didn't grow up for nothing!
January 3, 2024
The message my Mantis mentors share is, "Stay Intact." Things will feel like they're tearing apart, things are dismantling - and they are, but only to reveal a wholeness intact. The core of you.
July 4, 2023
I have changed my website name to The Mantis Mama! I am focusing on my journey with the Mantis beings as I become closer to them and learn how our personal experiences relate to their species. I hope you can join me as we get to know more of who these mysterious ETs are!
My website will undergo a few changes to include emerging information about the Mantises. I have added My Accounts with the Mantis beings on my About page!
April 7, 2023
Hello everyone! The Mantis beings say to see every task *no exception* as a playful challenge. The riddle of human experience is to be able to move through as many diverse experiences as possible while maintaining your center. You will know yourself in all these experiences. All will be positive and beneficial, thus automatically serving you and nourishing your growth.
The Mantis beings represent both a black hole and a white hole. They are high-level consciousness containing intensified pressure. Their energy breaks down and dissolves, and through pressurized dissolution, it strips away what is not you, it de-conditions you. Coalescing with their energies is a death and re-birthing process. It’s separating, purifying and dissolving. This is helping refine the separation of the splitting prism of parallel realities so that we move into a higher flow.
September 3, 2022
New Mantis meditation on YouTube! It's a quick dial-up to get immediately altered during this intense period
August 27, 2022
The current phase of focus is talking about ETs to each other, with our neighbors and with anyone we feel comfortable with on this topic. We also want to encourage others to be open and free to talk about their ET experiences and their perception of ETs. If we zoom out on this big picture, as everyone talks about ETs, we all get closer to acclimatizing to open contact. When open contact occurs, we will be speaking of and speaking to our ET family.
August 23, 2021
I added a new page, Preparing for ET Contact, as the ETs come closer to us. They will not stop. It must be done that we collaborate with them to save humanity, our planet and to spare the cosmos for a galactic war.
July 25, 2021
We’ve buckled up and are getting ready to move up and up! There are many pods on the mothership and we’ve been assigned to one based on the unique range of frequencies. A pod can have 3 people or 3,000. Keep doing what you’re doing staying happy and in a state of gratitude for that is a particular frequency that means ‘thank you..and thank you for more that is to come’ for more weirdness, synchronicities and higher dimensional experiences right in this reality. We are becoming less dense and more photonic light-based. More blending of worlds occurs. If you see spirits from the astral realm, orbs, a flash of light in the corner of your eye, a ‘I thought I saw something’ moment, that is normal! You are changing and seeing it in your reality.
July 20, 2021
I added a new page, Post ET Contact, that describes what Earth is like after open contact!
November 27, 2020
Things are getting a little crazy and spiraling a little more quickly than maybe what we're used to and our galactic families congratulate us for staying centered in the velocity of the vortex we experience ourselves to be in! These types of phenomenon will last depending on a few things, but fundamentally it's viewing these challenges neutrally by validating them and recognizing that they are just as valid as the energies and experiences that we do prefer, and that creates an overall neutral zone. This neutral zone can help us choose how to easily respond to challenges more positively and the duration of these challenges will fast forward and we can move through them because it's the resistance or pushing away of these energies that prolongs their stay. Many of these energies that may seem somewhat new in our lives that we don't prefer in our experiences have actually been present. They are just making another revolution in a new way so that we can see them from a new point of view. This is opportune for us to observe these energies from a new perspective and respond to them in a new way that represents our core essence for that allows us to more lucidly and more quickly sail through them. The path of least resistance!
A personal symbol I received from our ET families that can maybe have an effect within your own consciousness that you can utilize to assist you in maintaining a centered, balanced perspective and energy in this accelerated spiral is a circle with a singular dot in the center. It's basic in appearance and a simple symbol that is a translation of the energy state that we perceive to be grounded, centered and balanced. It can help you cultivate this quality as we experience this evolutionary trajectory. We say with humor, stay put in the center and don't lose yourself!
September 15, 2020
More from the Mantis teachings! They also tell me that life is a fun experimentation to experience infinite creation and the process of creating.
September 11, 2020
I am increasingly fascinated by extraterrestrial technology and I have added this recent experience to my list on my About page. In my lucid state, a female hybrid has handed to me a pink, jelly-like tube that was about 4” in length and had a shape of three spheres stacked on top of each other. It looked like it contained glitter. A s she offered me this device, she said, “We have recorded you.” She was referring to my teaching the hybrid children. It was an intuitive device. I squeezed it once and inside appeared a screen displaying my movements of teaching. I squeezed it again and it projected a screen of up to 20’ high, displaying the same scene. Can’t wait to see this technology on Earth! This might be the next thing after flat screens, or something similar.
June 14, 2020
I asked, "How can we overcome racism?" The Sassani replied: You have to validate the differences between you because the idea is not that you all need to be homogenized to have unity. In order to have true harmony and unity, you have to validate that there are reasons for the differences and that every difference is a gift that allows you to experience something you might otherwise not experience and therefore find yourself lacking. This is about looking at things as a whole system. There are reasons for differences. The simplest analogy we can give you is the idea of a picture puzzle. Every single piece in the puzzle has a different shape, but they all fit together. Together they represent a big picture. So by validating and letting each shape be its unique shape, then they all fit together and create a big picture that supports all the pieces. So it's the validation of diversity that actually creates unity. That's the paradox. Because you are on a unique path, so is everyone, you can't experience everything in your single life path, but that's why there are others who are different so that you have the opportunity to sample this and sample that and derive wisdom and experience from this and that path that you didn't have to walk, that they walked and so they can get experience from your path and you can get experience from their path because if it was all the same, what would be the point?
Addressing a person by their name is really all that is necessary because in some sense why do you even have to refer to the idea of race unless there's some specific reason to do so? You're all homo sapien; you're all human; you come in a variety of colors. Embrace the uniqueness, the differences, the diversity.
Many different races on Earth reflect different ET genetic manipulations and connections. This is part of Earth's growth to explore this diversity.
The idea of rejecting other groups comes from the rejection of self, the rejection of everything you contain. Most of you when you have that kind of rejection of others think that you don't contain what they represent, but you do. And therefore you're rejecting a part of yourself. And just seeing an example of that rejection in the outer projection of the rejection onto someone that reminds you of things that you contain that you're not comfortable with within yourself because you don't understand yourself and you haven't integrated yourself yet to accept that part of your being.
This time is pivotal for the transformation many souls have come for. Many different themes are being explored on an individual and collective level and have the opportunity to be transformed. Transformation is all about total acceptance of self, which would automatically lead to total acceptance of others. It doesn't prevent you from recognizing what is and isn't vibrationally compatible, but the idea is that you have to start having a complete acceptance of self in order to know how to relate to others in a manner that doesn't invalidate them or cause a rejection, but simply causes a recognition of what is neutrally vibrationally compatible or not. That's a big difference. And it will make a world of a difference, literally.
May 20, 2020
A message from our galactic families: PURGING. (See accompanying symbol on my Instagram!)
From the Mantis beings, "When life is a whirlwind, dance!"
My interpretation: We are in the process of exactly that during this amplified period - purging, removing and letting go of lower densities to unlock ourselves from negative patterns that truly do not belong to us, that are not aligned with our core essence. With their recent past message of "let go combo therapy", we work with the negative ego structure in releasing negative beliefs as well as with "guts and wits", we apply our cosmic wisdom and best discernment in our most preferred reality to be ourselves and stabilize our frequencies. We are crystallizing ourselves. Speak the language of the higher mind and follow your heart: bring it to this reality to help you shift to a higher track. The help of our ET families is always accessible just by simply tuning in. Our guides are here and now with us, always cheering us on because we knew before we incarnated that "This is where the party is at!"
May 3, 2020
I added a link to a description of ET Civilizations according to my experiences interacting with them. I also included information on the children coming into our reality as a new species!
April 9, 2020
I was visited by 3 Tall Whites from a black and silver circular craft giving off a blue luminescence. From the Tall Whites: Stick to your essence.
An interpretation from me: They relayed it with an unwavering tone. Remember, BILLIONS of beings throughout the cosmos are watching. Earth is an active place and especially now. This is a crucial year and every moments counts, as it always does. Make it fun, make it fun, make it fun. Thus, along with the Grey Federation's message of 'guts and wits', using our characteristics to be what we truly are emanates the vibrational frequency needed for our growth, expansion, ascension and on a collective level, it is affected by our mere action of being ourselves. Be yourself, that's it. Step into your truth and share that creatively and in a harmonious way. Make it fun!
April 3, 2020
3 Greys and a hybrid child showed me the hyperconductivity from standing under the sun barefoot on the soil. They are aware it's not a new idea, but a reminder of another choice for us. The sun is releasing more of it's amplified golden vibrations along with energies our ET families continually pump through the planet's vortices.
April 2, 2020
From the Ya’yel: Unity Buoy
Cosmic brothers and sisters, the way I am receiving messages from our ET families is changing because I’m elevating. I am understanding more of the way they communicate the way they fully understand the way we communicate. The way they communicate is very efficient and they don’t use as many words or even sentences in our language if they use our language at all. Their messages are becoming increasingly succinct - 2 or 3 word messages for example. Further, I am staying aligned with their choice of wording and sharing with you the succinct message they share with me. You can decipher the message yourself for that alone has its own vibration. Nevertheless, I will add my elaboration of my perspective based on their message to help those who need it to deepen their understanding. And because I feel I am sounding more like them and am entrusted to relay the message responsibly and with integrity.
From me: I had to refer to the dictionary to gain a crisp and clear understanding of the word 'buoy' because in this context, it is not in my colloquial language. Buoy means to support someone or something to keep afloat and to raise the spirits of. Unity Buoy is a reminder for those at this crucial time to help humanity in a multitude of ways, shapes and forms to be in a state of high vibration. Much negativity is around and especially for light workers, gridworkers, gatekeepers and the like, getting swept off the feet by the storm not only un-grounds, but also is as if you're jumping on a sinking raft. The raft does not have to sink if there are those that help. Thus, if you are urged or excited or even the tiniest bit happy or uplifted to help others stay calm, elevated and even moreso educated on our ET families (that shifts their paradigm), follow that urge and on the individual and collective level, the frequencies will surely raise!
April 1, 2020
We are enveloped in a blissful state! From the Grey Federation: Lay Golden Eggs. Elaborated from me: For any hatchling will be of golden vibration. Like planting seeds, we are laying in the foundation of our reality golden eggs during this transformational time and crossing of a particular threshold. Hatchlings grow. What we do now will affect our present and trajectory. There’s a lot of negativity, but right here and now and always and right just above the negativity there’s an infinite bandwidth of golden vibration, always accessible, to tune into. Match it! Connect with your future self, higher self and lay golden eggs!
March 24, 2020
A message from the Grey Federation as they say with cheer: "Use your GUTS and WITS to get ahead in life!" In other words, use your intuition by tuning into your higher self in combination with your best discernment with your physical mind and take that action to the life you need to live, no matter the time and space you're experiencing in that moment. It takes guts and wits to go through challenges and growth. You can react to an experience by mirroring it or respond to it with a higher knowing. Even in suspenseful times, you have all the tools you need to live the abundant and exciting life you came here for. You're an infinite being, indestructible at the core, so embed that in your behavior and live it!March 19, 2020: We're all 'waiting' for a particular acceleration coming up. Now is the time to LET GO that which is not your true self. The lighter you are, the higher and faster. The more dense, the lower and slower. Our ET family is always amplifying and magnifying the energies through different vortices around our planet to assist us in this transition. Remember: transformation. More negative beliefs and beliefs not in our highest alignment surface in the light. Let's take care of it by taking the necessary action and *move on*. Move on *up. up and up*! Metaphorically speaking, hold on tight to your true self...this is a long-winded roller coaster like no other!
March 17, 2020
We continue expanding during this pivotal time. In which direction, positive or negative, are you choosing to expand? Continue to utilize LET GO COMBO THERAPY to be in the preferred reality. Stay grounded. Stay centered. Be the eye of the storm. Remember your infinite self.
February 29, 2020
This yearly window - about - is a pivotal time to be on our preferred track. Simple message from our galactic family: LET GO COMBO THERAPY. Utilize a combination of tools and techniques, whatever we gravitate too (literally!), to let go of beliefs that do not belong to us, to let go of vibrations that are incompatible to who we truly are, our true core essence. We'll feel lighter, brighter and greater, and more expansive for that is who we are.