Post ET Contact
This page will be ongoing as I receive more information.
Following is a combination of my personal experiences interacting with ETs through meetings, downloads and repeated flashes of vivid visualizations as well as information from Sassani member Ryok on what the state of Earth is after some time of open contact.
Some of these are already occurring and developing. ETs are not saving us, but we are saving ourselves (and with their guidance if we choose to accept it). But the presence of ETs on Earth will help enhance our technologies and other processes.
Earth is cleaner with less air and water pollution. Sea levels rise greatly. There is more vegetation and water on our planet as well as tropical environments.
Our food production consists of bio-dynamic farming and will be symbiotic on a mutualism and commensalism level to the rhythms of the environment while pesticides, herbicides and insecticides will be obsolete.
Global Community
We are more integrated individually and connected collectively. Feminine energy is more pronounced. We engage in more heart-to-heart and mind-to-mind interactions. Our compassion and kindness continues to expand. Together we all empower and enrich everyone. We continue to raise our frequency to open up to higher frequency versions of ET contact including higher states of civilizations that can be very alien to us. The internet is a precursor to telepathy and telempathy.
World hunger, poverty and resource scarcity is eliminated.
Light and sound vibrational therapy is prevalent and will assist the body to maintain homeostasis. Energy centers, organs and targeted areas can be fine-tuned and restored to balance.
Our attire consist of a fabric that has the capacity to help regulate the body’s temperature and eventually, with increasing sophisticated technology, our vitals and resonance with external environments.
Education will be more personalized and delight-directed with a balance of a child-led and teacher-led approach. The student will pursue their interests and passions and the teacher will provide the guidance and resources necessary for them to further explore. This gives birth to geniuses as they will be true innovators in their field. They will express themselves as child prodigies. Educating children in their formative years about nature will help nurture their essence for a more conscious path of life-long fulfillment. Adults modeling kindness helps mold a more compassionate version of humanity.
Clean Energy Technology
There will be open developments of free energy that will affect our transportation industry such as with airplanes, automobiles and vessels as well as how we generate energy to power our electrical devices.
Space Travel
Space travel will begin and expand to teleportation. We will be the UFOs on other planets.
An exchange similar to bartering will occur that will be based on high frequency. This will be a part of the current money system.
Unified Physics
The reading and measuring of frequency will be embedded in our daily lives including the Schumann resonances. Satellites will beam high frequencies to assist us in balancing the body's energetic field, thus enabling us to experience greater states of longevity, vitality and wellness.
Read the 20 Stellar Benefits of Consciously Connecting with the Galactics for more information!
This page will be ongoing as I receive more information.
Following is a combination of my personal experiences interacting with ETs through meetings, downloads and repeated flashes of vivid visualizations as well as information from Sassani member Ryok on what the state of Earth is after some time of open contact.
Some of these are already occurring and developing. ETs are not saving us, but we are saving ourselves (and with their guidance if we choose to accept it). But the presence of ETs on Earth will help enhance our technologies and other processes.
Earth is cleaner with less air and water pollution. Sea levels rise greatly. There is more vegetation and water on our planet as well as tropical environments.
Our food production consists of bio-dynamic farming and will be symbiotic on a mutualism and commensalism level to the rhythms of the environment while pesticides, herbicides and insecticides will be obsolete.
Global Community
We are more integrated individually and connected collectively. Feminine energy is more pronounced. We engage in more heart-to-heart and mind-to-mind interactions. Our compassion and kindness continues to expand. Together we all empower and enrich everyone. We continue to raise our frequency to open up to higher frequency versions of ET contact including higher states of civilizations that can be very alien to us. The internet is a precursor to telepathy and telempathy.
World hunger, poverty and resource scarcity is eliminated.
Light and sound vibrational therapy is prevalent and will assist the body to maintain homeostasis. Energy centers, organs and targeted areas can be fine-tuned and restored to balance.
Our attire consist of a fabric that has the capacity to help regulate the body’s temperature and eventually, with increasing sophisticated technology, our vitals and resonance with external environments.
Education will be more personalized and delight-directed with a balance of a child-led and teacher-led approach. The student will pursue their interests and passions and the teacher will provide the guidance and resources necessary for them to further explore. This gives birth to geniuses as they will be true innovators in their field. They will express themselves as child prodigies. Educating children in their formative years about nature will help nurture their essence for a more conscious path of life-long fulfillment. Adults modeling kindness helps mold a more compassionate version of humanity.
Clean Energy Technology
There will be open developments of free energy that will affect our transportation industry such as with airplanes, automobiles and vessels as well as how we generate energy to power our electrical devices.
Space Travel
Space travel will begin and expand to teleportation. We will be the UFOs on other planets.
An exchange similar to bartering will occur that will be based on high frequency. This will be a part of the current money system.
Unified Physics
The reading and measuring of frequency will be embedded in our daily lives including the Schumann resonances. Satellites will beam high frequencies to assist us in balancing the body's energetic field, thus enabling us to experience greater states of longevity, vitality and wellness.
Read the 20 Stellar Benefits of Consciously Connecting with the Galactics for more information!